
STATEMENT – scholarship – status of student


Students who did not manage to pass their exams and failed to complete their curriculum by the end of March 2020 should submit an application for conditional entry for the summer semester in the 2019/2020 academic year via e-mail to their respective Dean’s offices by 20th April 2020.


Department of Studies in English:


Students who apply for different types of scholarship for the summer semester of the 2019/2020 academic year should update their study status by settling all their obligations to the university (such as application for the conditional entry for ongoing semester).

We remind you that applications for all forms of scholarship for the summer semester should be received by 10/04/2020.


Verification of the scholarship applications by the Scholarship Committee will take place by 20/04/2020. Scholarship payments will follow between 20th-30th April, 2020.

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