Grading system at the VPU

The grading system at the Vincent Pol University in Lublin is based on a scale of 2 to 5,where 5 is the best mark and 2 is the worst. Moreover, students can also be marked with additional signs of+. Each of them equals half a point: + means 0.5 more.

The following scale of grades is used for examinations and pass/fail signatures:

Local  grade Definition ECTS grade
5,0 Very good A
4,5 Better than good B
4,0 Good C
3,5 Satisfactory D
3,0 Sufficient E
2,0 Failed F

Forms of evaluation
Exam – grade, used to calculate GPA
Pass with grade /Graded credit/ – grade used to calculate cumulative GPA

Pass – Pass/Pass(grade)/Fail/Non-graded credit/ – not calculated into cumulative GPA

The grade point average (GPA) is calculated by summing up all final (passes with grades and exams) grades including failed and dividing them by the number of courses.

At the beginning of the first year of studies student receives a Student’s Record Book (“INDEKS”). All achievements (failed/passed exams, credited seminars, etc.) from all years of study must be put into the Student Book and examination forms given for every semester.

After completing each semester student must submit the Student Book to the Dean’s Office for crediting/not crediting the previous semester by the Dean of the Faculty of Studies in English. The Student Book is given to student for the next semester together with a new examination form. The examination form from previous semester is kept in student’s personal files. A student may come and review his/her files in the Dean’s Office, but the files cannot be borrowed.


The European Credit Transfer System is a Europe – wide system for counting and transferring the academic credit that a student has earned. The system was first launched in 1989 by the European Commission and is now the standard system for all higher education in Poland, as well as in 45 other countries that participate in the Bologna Process. ECTS makes credit earned at a Polish university more transparent and more easily transferable to other institutions.

The system assumes that the standard workload adds up to 60 ECTS per academic year (30 ECTS per semester). 'Courseload’ takes into account homework and study time, as well as classroom time.

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