New Trends and Methods in Foreign Language Teaching

Course description

Are you a student considering a career in education? Would you like to teach somebody a foreign language but you don’t know how to do it in an attractive way? Or maybe you are a professional wanting to improve your skills by learning about new trends and developments in the methodology of foreign language teaching? Our two-week summer course is aimed at you!
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Our curriculum includes theoretical classes on the most recent theories of language as well as practical courses and seminars where the participants will be able to see, experience and try out various tools designed to make foreign language classes effective and attractive for the students. The focal points of the course will be the effective use of ICT (Information and Communication technology) tools and open resources in language teaching as well as modern approaches, such as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).


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What is CLIL? Understanding its aims and premises.
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How to integrate language and content successfully? Uncovering various models of CLIL.
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How to implement CLIL into classroom instruction? Planning lessons and activities.

How to put CLIL into practice? Selecting teaching techniques, evaluating and designing CLIL materials.

How to engage students through CLIL? Exploring scaffolding techniques.

How to assess language and content? Discussing assessment instruments for CLIL.

What is ICT and its role in the 21st century education

Integrating ICT into second language education

Flipped classrooms and other changes in educational practices: students-centered learning and active learning strategies

ICT and how to connect the world – open educational resources


Bachelor’s, master’s and diploma graduates and students in the fields of English philology and applied linguistics, teachers at various levels of education seeking new inspirations and skills, anyone considering a career in foreign language teaching. As the main language of the course is English, the only condition for fruitful participation is at least communicative knowledge of this language.

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