
Deklaracja Polityki Erasmusa

Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS)
ECHE 2021-2027


Erasmus Policy Statement of Vincent Pol University in Lublin (Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Wincentego Pola w Lublinie formerly: Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno – Przyrodnicza im. Wincentego Pola w Lublinie) is based on a wider, long-term, institutional strategy of internationalisation that takes into account, on the one hand, the institution’s profile and, on the other, European policy priorities for higher education.

The mission of Vincent Pol University in Lublin (Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Wincentego Pola w Lublinie formerly: Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno – Przyrodnicza im. Wincentego Pola w Lublinie) directly corresponds to the mission of the Bologne Agreement and Lisbon strategy. The Erasmus+ programme fits perfectly into the University’s strategy, primarily into the internationalisation strategy adopted by the University in 2016. The main goal of this strategy is to open the University to the international cooperation, strengthen the level of internationalisation of all fields of study, as well as the development of studies conducted in English. Participation in the Erasmus+ Programme  has a leading role in the implementation of the strategy and allows to pursue the main strategic goals of the institutional development related to internationalization and modernization. The implementation of the Erasmus+ program definitely meets the assumptions of the strategy of Vincent Pol University, aimed at establishing the widest possible cooperation with universities as part of diversification and balance of geographical, economic and social activities. At the same time, we support and try to implement the European Education Area initiative, which provides that it is in the shared interest of all EU Member States to harness the full potential of education and culture as drivers for job creation, economic growth and improved social cohesion, as well as a means to experience European identity in all its diversity. The Erasmus University Charter facilitates a continuous development and improvement of the standards of education through developing international cooperation. The international cooperation stimulates the development of the University. The University strive to internationalise the didactic processes, increase student and staff exchanges, ensuring graduates are well prepared for the requirements of the modern global labour market and constantly raising the level of their scientific and didactic activities. By allowing students to study and take part in student placement programmes abroad we enhance their mobility, break down barriers, help to make first steps on the European educational – and at the later stage job – market. Studies abroad will certainly allow students to increase the scope of employment opportunities by acquiring knowledge outside the standards in force in the home country; it also gives the opportunity to popularize methods little known in Poland, which will make them become specialists in a given field of science.  Participation in the project will enable the best preparation of students for the requirements of the modern, difficult labour market, and creating opportunities for the students to establish direct contact with people representing other cultures, languages, countries and communities. Students who take part in the program will certainly expand the scope of qualifications, making them more competitive on the labour market. Mobility will create opportunities for students to develop the skills and creativity that are necessary in a knowledge-based society. The University devotes great attention to the development of the international collaboration, especially in the specific areas of cooperation as well as scientific research and didactic interests. The international cooperation is essential in developing an up-to-date educational and research offer, which improves the quality and reinforces the position of the University. Participation in the Erasmus+ will contribute to the modernisation of the University as it will have a direct influence on the development and improvement of the educational offer through good practices, contribution of international lecturers and academics to University education and projects aimed at creating joint programmes. The main idea and objective of Vincent Pol University in Lublin is to educate students in the field of the most up to date vocational specialties and to prepare them for practical application of the skills they have been taught. The educational offer of the University creates new opportunities in the field of higher education. Practical fields of studies such as Physiotherapy, Tourism and Hospitality Management, International Business Management, Beauty Science, Nursing, Sport Science prepare for work in professions highly demanded by employers. We aim at inspiring the academic staff’s and students’ creativity and improving their expertise and skills. The mobility of scholars, teaching and administrative staff promotes international cooperation and continuing education.  Besides the long-term benefits related to the increase in the level of internationalisation of the University, the staff members improve their professional qualifications and their knowledge in a given area. Participation in the Erasmus Programme facilitates the creation of a network of international contacts that allow raising educational standards through joint project partnerships, enabling employees to develop in terms of research, creating training programs, creating international career paths, and exchanging knowledge and experience. In the case of staff members, going to exchange will certainly allow to increase the scope of employment opportunities by acquiring knowledge outside the standards in force in the home country; it also gives the opportunity to popularize methods little known in Poland, which will make them become specialists in a given field of science. By following the Erasmus+ digitalization, the participation in the programme will stimulate the development of the University IT infrastructure and tools, including digitalization of the administrative services and on-line management of the programme and services for the students.

The development of cooperation and improvement of standards is possible due to:

  • A continuous development of educational programmes that meet the needs of the job market (both Polish and European).
  • Constantly contribute to the modernization and internationalization of the institution through transfer of knowledge and good-practices.
  • The improvement of the quality of foreign language learning among students, tutors and administrative staff.
  • Monitoring and updating the ECTS system both in Polish and English.
  • The development of the on-line application system, but also the planned digitisation of documentation related to mobility and its management.
  • Promoting the development of partnership.
  • Activities aimed at developing joint, innovative solutions and results in the field of, among others curriculum design and forms of education.

In order to develop student and staff mobility we:

  • Fully recognise courses that the students have satisfactorily completed during their mobility period.
  • Implementation of a flexible study system based on the ECTS system, wider use of blended mobility.
  • The implementation of the Erasmus Without Paper initiative and the European Student Card will facilitate the administrative processes and contribute to student and staff satisfaction, thus improve the quality of the university services.
  • Run the informational meetings, provide information on University’s website
  • Take the mobility factor into account in the process of promoting teachers
  • Support student organisations in the international exchange of experience.

The information about the University’s participation in the programme is given to the students during informational meetings, dates of which are published on the university’s web page and the University’s promotional materials.

The Erasmus Charter and the EPS are available on the University’s web page. The visiting students are integrated in educational activities conducted at the University. The building of the University is accessible for students with disabilities. Disabled students can study at all departments and specialisations and take part in all international activities. In order to enhance the level of awareness and tolerance among students we plan to hold meetings devoted to cultural differences between nations aimed at fighting xenophobia and racism.

The University chooses its partners among foreign universities on the basis of:

  • Existence of the same faculties as in our Institution in potential partner universities
  • Similarity of study programmes between the two universities
  • Students’ and staff‘s interest in Erasmus mobility in the particular university
  • Perspectives of developing the cooperation

The University chooses its partners among non-educational institutions on the basis of:

  • The compatibility of study programmes in particular faculties and institution’s profile of activity
  • Students’ and staff’s interest in Erasmus mobility in the particular institution
  • Perspectives of valuable and beneficial traineeship for students / staff in an institution
  • Perspectives of developing the cooperation

The University chooses its partners from all countries that are participating in Erasmus programme.

The University ensures that international cooperation within Erasmus programme is beneficial for both parts – the university with its outgoing students / staff and partner institutions. Vincent Pol University gives its full support to any staff and student participating or wishing to participate in Erasmus mobility program. The most important objective of University’s mobility activities is to develop international involvement in accordance with the University’s strategy of modernisation and internationalisation.

The University supports the full implementation of outcomes of Erasmus mobility program, transparency of the programme and full recognition of mobility period.


The university mainly plans actions as part of student and staff mobility (KA103 and KA107). The implementation of the program arouses great interest of both students and employees. They see the benefits obtained through mobility. On the other hand, through the implementation of mobility, qualitative education assumptions raising competences and skills in the international dimension are met. Participation in the Erasmus + project certainly has a great impact on the internationalization of the university, as well as on improving the quality of education and the development of studies conducted in English. At the same time, the implementation of individual mobility affects the deepening of long-term cooperation. The implementation of employee mobility also indirectly affects students, because during mobility, employees increase their language skills, field of knowledge, become familiar with the new teaching methodology, which raises education standards. Mobility increases the competitiveness of participants on the labour market, thus influencing the opinion about the university regarding the quality of education and the wide possibilities offered by the university. However, the implementation of mobility fills the strategy in terms of creating a network of international contacts that allow raising educational standards through joint project partnerships, enabling employees to develop research, create training programs, create international career paths, exchange knowledge and experience, issue joint publications, etc.


The impact of the participation of Vincent Pol University in Lublin (Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Wincentego Pola w Lublinie formerly: Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno – Przyrodnicza im. Wincentego Pola w Lublinie) in the Erasmus+ programme on the university will be measured according to the following quantitative indicators:

  • number of students and staff members participating in the mobility and cooperation projects,
  • number of international incoming students studying at the University within the Erasmus+ Programme,
  • number of incoming staff undertaking teaching and training mobilities at our University
  • number of partner institutions in the programme countries and the partner countries
  • number of research and educational joint projects implemented as a result of Erasmus cooperation,
  • increased amount of funds allocated within the Erasmus Programme to our University
  • number of actions and initiatives within the mobility support offered to participants, both outgoing and incoming.

The qualitative indicators of the impact of participation in the Erasmus Programme on our University will include:

  • individual’s personal development, cultural and social aspects and interpersonal skills,
  • increase in educational offer accessibility for the international students,
  • results of the student and staff satisfaction surveys,
  • student engagement in the Erasmus initiatives and activities,
  • increase in the University capacity and development potential.

Participation in the Erasmus + project certainly has a great impact on the internationalization of the university, as well as improving the quality of education and the development of studies conducted in English.

Monitoring of achieved results by students is carried out by faculty coordinators (deans of the particular faculty), but also by the university coordinator of the Erasmus + program in terms of analysing opportunities for future students. To this end, the university conducts interviews with students, but also carries out a survey / report from their stay, as well as analyses the impact of mobility on employment (monitoring the career of graduates). In addition, the coordinator maintains constant contact to monitor mobility conditions. Certainly, confirmation of the achievement of qualitative indicators confirming the acquisition of assumed skills is the active participation in classes, meetings and events organized by and for students, including English-speaking ones. The willingness to apply again is also a confirmation of the quality of mobility.

Monitoring of achieved results by staff members of the University – Program participants report to the University and Faculty Authorities about their stay, and present them at the meeting of the Senate summarizing the academic year, as well as at the first Faculty Council upon arrival. Certainly, participation in mobility arouses creativity and willingness to participate in joint projects in employees, thus deepening inter-university cooperation, which in turn affects long-term results, thus confirming the achievement of qualitative indicators.





Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS)
ECHE 2014-2020


The mission of the University of Vincent Pol in Lublin is identical with those of the Bologne Agreement and Lisbon strategy.The Erasmus University Charter facilitates a continuous development and improvement of the standards of educationthrough developing international cooperation. By allowing students to study and to take part in student placementprogrammes abroad we enhance their mobility, break boundaries help them to make first steps on the Europeaneducational – and later job – market. The mobility of scholars, teaching and administrative staff promotes internationalcooperation and continuing education.The main idea and objective of the University of Vincent Pol in Lublin is to educate students in the field of the most up todate vocational specialties and to prepare them for practical application of the skills they have been taught. The educationaloffer of our University creates new opportunities in the field of higher education in the region. Faculties such asPhysiotherapy and Tourism and Recreation prepare for work in rare specialties, highly demanded by employers.The development of cooperation and improvement of standards is possible due to:-A permanent development of educational programmes that take into account the needs of the job market (both Polish andEuropean)-The introduction of the ECTS system-Monitoring and updating the ECTS system both in Polish and English languages-The improvement of the quality of foreign language learning among students and the teaching and administrative staff-The development of the on-line application system-Promoting the development of partnershipIn order to develop student and staff mobility we:-Fully recognize courses that the students have satisfactorily completed during their mobility period-Set up informational meetings, provide information on University’s web pages-Support incoming students through assigning buddy students, help with accommodation and integration-Take the mobility factor into account in the teachers’ promotional process-Support student organisations in the international exchange of experienceThe information about the University’s participation in the programme is given to the students during informationalmeetings, dates of which are placed on the university’s web page and published in all University’s promotional materials.The Erasmus Charter and the EPS is available on the University’s web page, both in Polish and English versions. Thevisiting students are integrated in educational activities going on at the University. The building of the University isaccessible for students with disabilities. Disabled students can study at all departments and specialisations and take part inall international activities. In order to enhance the level of awareness and tolerance among students we plan to holdmeetings devoted to cultural differences between nations aimed at combating xenophobia and racism.The University chooses its partners among foreign universities on the basis of:-Existence of the same faculties as in our Institution in potential partner universities-Similarity of study programmes between the two universities-Students’ and staff interest in Erasmus mobility in the particular university-Perspectives of cooperation developmentThe University chooses its partners among non-educational institutions on the basis of:-The compatibility of study programmes in particular faculties and institution’s profile of activity-Students’ and staff interest in Erasmus mobility in the particular institution-Perspectives of valuable and beneficial traineeship for students / staff in an institution-Perspectives of cooperation developmentThe University chooses its partners from all countries that are participating in Erasmus programme.The University ensures that international cooperation within Erasmus programme is beneficial for both parts – the universitywith its outgoing students / staff and partner institutions. WSSP gives its full support to any staff and student participating orwishing to participate in Erasmus mobility. The most important objective of University’s mobility activities is to developinternational involvement of the school according the University’s strategy of modernization and internationalization.Secondly, the University tends towards the full implementation of outcomes of Erasmus mobility, visibility and transparencyof the programme and full recognition of mobility period.There are no target groups of WSSP mobility activities. In the case of staff mobility the University tries to support mobilityamong permanent staff and the mobility of staff that participates in it for the first time. The University’s applicationprocedures and access to the programme for students and staff are based on the substantive assessment in order toguarantee high level of mobility quality.


Participation of the University of Vincent Pol in Erasmus has already had a great impact on the modernization of theinstitution. Thanks to the invaluable experience obtained in the programme, the University was able to open Bachelor’s andMaster’s degree studies in English at two of University’s main faculties – Physiotherapy and Tourism and Recreation. Thisproject is crucial for our strategy of internationalization. The University already has students from different countries inEurope, Asia and Africa who study together with incoming Erasmus students which has a positive influence on University’saim to counteract xenophobia and racism and improve cultural understanding. Thanks the possibility of staff exchange, alot of University’s staff decided to study foreign languages which is invaluable for improving the quality of mobility andthrough it also a quality of education at the University. The University offers language courses that are free of charge insome of the most important languages spoken in University’s partner institutions, e.g. English, Italian, and Spanish. TheUniversity expects that its participation in the Erasmus will lead to increasing the quantity of graduates at all levels,enhancing the quality and relevance of human capital development, creating effective and funding mechanisms in supportof excellence and strengthening the knowledge triangle between education, research and business. The aim of theUniversity is to provide all groups of students and researchers with equal opportunities, including disadvantaged andvulnerable groups, invest in research and innovation, enhance individual potential, support personalized learning, facilitateaccess through distance learning, and creates new opportunities for research. The University wants to involve employersand labour market institutions in the design and delivery of programmes in order to provide students with modern, up-to-date study programmes and support staff exchange. Thanks to constant development of Erasmus at our University, we areable to find new delivery methods and innovative learning techniques. We are trying to improve the quality and relevance ofmobility while expanding number of students and staff participating in the programme. Thanks to sharing ideas with ourpartner universities we have been able to provide staff with better working conditions and students with better studyingconditions including transparent and fair recruitment procedures, better initial and continuing professional development andbetter recognition and reward of studying or teaching/research excellence.

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