In regards to the decisions of the Government of the Republic of Poland to launch certain areas related to social and economic life, we would like to inform you that from the next Monday, 18th May 2020, we will be starting classes that have been suspended online on 22nd April in the form of classes. The timetable will change, so please follow the changes on our website.
Additionally, we would like to inform you that from next Monday, 25th May,2020, classes in the form of traditional methods will be resumed at the university’s headquarters according to a new plan that will be published by the end of next week.
Students who are outside of Lublin are asked to return resume classes.
The final-year students who will be taking the diploma examination in the current academic year should proceed to pass all subjects provided in the curriculum, and submit their diploma thesis on time to the supervisor.
Detailed rules for teaching in the period from 25th May 2020 will be specified in the next announcement.