Rules for the organisation of the teaching activities in the 2020/2021 academic year

Based on the Rector’s decision, in the 2020/2021 academic year, teaching activities will be conducted using a mixed method. Pursuant to the guidelines of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, the number of ECTS points which can be obtained as a part of the remote learning methods and techniques for fields of study with a practical profile cannot exceed 50% of the total number of ECTS points.


In connection with the above, on the basis of the decision of the Rector of VPU:

  • all discussions, practical classes, laboratory classes, language classes and practical trainings will be held only using the traditional method, at the university in direct contact with the academic teacher,
  • lectures and seminars will be conducted remotely, using the methods and techniques of distance learning, assuming that at least one lecture in a given subject must be held at the university in direct contact with the lecturer, while up to 50% of the lectures conducted remotely should have the form of an online meeting in real time.


The above rules apply to all fields of study conducted at our university, however, the proportion of classes conducted with the use of distance learning methods and techniques in fields covered by the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the standards of education preparing for the profession of a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostician, physiotherapist and paramedic, as well as the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the standard of education preparing for the teaching profession, is designated individually for the particular field of study in accordance with the guidelines described in the above-mentioned standard of education.


All academic teachers are obliged to:

  • in the case of a virtual meeting – provide downloadable materials for students using the e-learning platform, at least the issues covered during the virtual meeting,
  • in the case of remote lectures – didactic materials must be available on the EduPortal platform on a regular basis by the date of the scheduled lecture at the latest,
  • each employee is obliged to provide an e-mail address for business contact, optionally it is possible to set up an email account with the university domain,
  • academic teachers are required to check e-mail regularly to allow them to maintain business contacts,
  • Academic teachers conducting classes via the EduPortal platform are obliged to regularly check messages or provide students with an email address in order to facilitate contact (answers to questions related to the classes conducted).


Academic teachers post materials on the EduPortal platform on their own.

If there are any questions, please contact:

– studies in Polish – Bartosz Dzwonnik
– studies in English – Filip Marczuk

Please be advised that the University has safety rules and procedures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus among the VPU community, which include:

After entering the University, each person will have the temperature measured. All persons entering the University building are required to disinfect their hands and put on a mask / visor.

In the University building (corridors, toilets, cloakroom, lift, canteen), all students, as well as teaching and administrative staff are required to wear masks / visors.

If the number of students in the class / laboratory exceeds 10 (except for the auditorium, rooms 28 and 53), both students and teachers are required to wear a mask / visor.

Persons staying at the University are obliged to maintain a distance of 1-1.5 m from one another.

It is forbidden to move the chairs closer one to another.


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