
How to Apply

How to Apply to Vincent Pol University in Lublin from around the World

We welcome students from all around the world who want to apply to study at VPU Lublin and join our international students coming from over twenty three different countries. We know that researching universities from other countries can be difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, we have gone to great lengths to make the application process at VPU as simple as possible – all you need to do is to follow the step-by-step admission procedure.

There are two ways to submit your application documents to the International Admissions Office:

By means of the on-line application form or by sending the set of scans of required documents to

The tabs “Admissions Requirements” and “Steps to Apply” will give you information specifically directed to international students. For further information on our degree programmes, please visit the pages on “What can I study” section of this website.

We look forward to welcoming you at VPU Lublin and will be happy to advise you on the application process. Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact our International Admissions Office.

International Admissions Office


ul. Choiny 2,  20-816 Lublin, Poland,

Room No. 43

Contact Person:

Monika Wróbel M.A.
Head of International Admissions Office

Phone: +48 81 740 25 04
Whatsaap: +48721701703


Office hours:

Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Application Deadline

October 2021 Intake

15 September 2021

for candidates from EU countries

31 August 2021

for candidates from non – EU countries

March 2022 Intake

15 February 2022

for candidates from EU countries

31 January 2022

for candidates from non – EU countries


Study in Lublin, Poland

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