It’s mandatory for international students to have a health insurance in Poland. Citizens of Non EU countries must buy the commercial insurance policy covering the healthcare costs in their countries, or pay for a voluntary policy in Polish National Healthcare Fund. Students cover their own insurance fees. Under this insurance scheme, students are entitled to free medical care and can use university health care clinics and health centres. Also, all foreign students have the option of purchasing additional accident insurance. For detailed information visit the website of the National Health Fund:
National health fund
The Lublin Voivodeship Branch of the National Health Fund
ul. Szkolna 16, 20-124 Lublin
tel. +48 81 53-10-500 do 502
fax + 48 81 53-10-528
The Act of 27 August 2004 on healthcare services financed from public funds (consolidated text, Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] of 2008, No. 164, item 1027 as amended) provides uninsured people with the opportunity to arrange voluntary health insurance pursuant to art. 68 of the above-mentioned Act. The person covered by the voluntary health insurance is entitled to healthcare services on the same grounds as the person insured by the National Health Fund (NFZ). The lack of health insurance may cause one to bear the high costs of healthcare services in the case of illness or the necessity to receive immediate medical help.
1. Who can conclude an agreement for voluntary insurance in the National Health Fund
Persons who are not entitled to any insurance may conclude an agreement for voluntary insurance. This group includes:
Polish citizens residing on the territory of Poland who are not subject to compulsory insurance and not subject to a family member’s insurance;
an employee on unpaid leave;
persons suspending business activity under the regulations on the freedom of business
citizens of European Union member States and of member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) who are not subject to compulsory health insurance on other grounds, if they reside within the territory of Poland
foreigners residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of a visa for the purpose of performing work activities, a residence permit for a fixed period of time, excluding the permit issued pursuant to art 53a, par. 2 of the Act of 13 June 2003 on foreigners (Dz.U. of 2006, No. 234, item 1964 as amended), a permit to settle, a residence permit for a long-term resident of the European Communities, a permit for tolerated stay or persons who have been granted refugee status in Poland or subsidiary protection or persons eligible to temporary protection on this territory;
foreigners – students and participants in PhD studies studying in Poland, and graduates who are undergoing mandatory training and who are not citizens of European Union member States or of member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA);
foreigners – members of religious orders and alumni of clerical and theological seminaries, postulants, novices, and junior monks of religious orders or their equivalents, who are not citizens of European Union member States or of member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA); residing on the territory of the Republic of Poland on the basis of a visa, a residence permit for a long-term resident of the European Communities, a permit to settle, or a residence permit for a fixed period of time, a permit for tolerated stay or persons who have been granted refugee status in Poland or subsidiary protection or persons eligible to temporary protection on this territory;
persons undergoing an adaptation internship;
persons taking a Polish language course or a preparatory course for studying in Polish who are not citizens of European Union member States or of member States of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA);
volunteers registered for health insurance by a person eligible for health insurance, if they are not covered by other insurance;
2. How to sign for voluntary health insurance in the National Health Fund
In order to conclude an agreement for voluntary health insurance, you have to visit the relevant NHS Department responsible for the place of residence, where you file an „application for health insurance coverage by the National Health Fund”, you attach a document confirming the last period of insurance, and you have to produce an identity document. Within 7 days from the date of signing the agreement, you must visit ZUS in order to submit the application for health insurance.
2.1 Documents necessary for concluding an agreement:
– foreigners – students and participants in PhD studies
an identity document (passport, residence card)
PESEL and NIP numbers (if any),
a document confirming residence on the territory of the Republic of Poland,
a university certificate confirming studies
– foreigners – persons taking a Polish language course or preparatory courses for studying in Polish
an identity document (passport, residence card)
PESEL and NIP numbers (if any),
a document confirming residence
a certificate confirming course attendance
A person who has concluded an agreement for voluntary health insurance is obliged to register for insurance the family members who are not subject to health insurance obligation on other grounds. Family members registration for insurance does not involve any additional fees. This obligation does not concern foreigners, students, or participants in PhD studies or graduates, who are undergoing mandatory training, or members of religious orders, alumni of clerical and theological seminaries, postulants, novices, or junior monks of religious orders or their equivalents, persons undergoing an adaptation internship, or those taking a Polish language course or preparatory courses for studying in Polish.
The following persons are considered to be family members:
own child, child of the other spouse, adopted child, grandchild or a child for whom custody has been established, or a foster child under 18, or, if they are continuing their education, under 26. If the child has a certificate confirming a significant degree of disability or other equivalent certificate – no age restrictions;
ascendants living together with the insured person in the same household
2.2 The obligations of the insured arising from signing the agreement
registering for a health insurance policy in the Social Security Agency (ZUS) with a ZUS ZZA form
registering one’s family members for insurance with a ZUS ZCNA form,
paying the insurance contribution up to the 15th of the next month for the previous one
updating the contribution rate according to the changing base.
2.3 The voluntary health insurance agreement may be terminated:
via written resignation sent to NFZ Department
after a month of perpetual default in covering contributions,
due to the transferring of the residence of the insured outside the territory of Poland
on the day of the Department Director’s decision on relevant legislation coming into force pursuant to the regulations on coordination determining the relevance of legislation of another EU member State or EFTA member State – Parties to the European Economic Area Agreement.
2.4 Rights of the insured person arising from the agreement:
A person who has signed a voluntary insurance, together with their family members, become entitled to health benefits on the date specified in the agreement; this right expires on the date of agreement termination or after a month of perpetual default in covering the contributions.
2.5 Insurance document entitling to healthcare services:
The agreement, together with evidence of paid contribution for the previous month, constitute the evidence of insurance for the person with voluntary health insurance and their family members. Please note that a ZUS application form constitutes an integral part of the agreement.
3. The contribution rate for a voluntary health insurance in 2013.
The contribution rate for voluntary health insurance in 2013 amounts to 9% of the contribution assessment basis.
Contribution basis for foreign students – PLN 520.00
Contribution monthly rate for foreign students – PLN 46.80
The contribution for voluntary health service is to be paid to the ZUS account.
4. Additional charge rate
A person who has signed for voluntary insurance, and who had experienced an interruption to their health insurance coverage is obliged to pay a one-time fee for the non-contributory period. Its rate depends on the length of the period in which the person was not covered by health insurance.
20 % of the contribution assessment basis for the persons with 3 months -1 year interruption to health insurance – PLN 775.50
50 % of the contribution assessment basis for the persons with a year up to 2 years interruption to health insurance – PLN 1,938.75
100 % of the contribution assessment basis for the persons with a 2- 5- year interruption to health insurance – PLN 3,877.50
150 % of the contribution assessment basis for the persons with a 5-1- year interruption to health insurance – PLN 5,816,25
200 % of the contribution assessment basis for the persons with over 10-year interruption to health insurance – PLN 7,755.00
An additional charge is paid before signing the agreement to the Voivodeship Department of the NFZ account given on the agreement form.
In justified circumstances, at the request of the person concerned, NFZ may withdraw from charge or spread the payment into monthly instalments (maximum 12 instalments).
On the day stipulated in the agreement, the insured person and family members registered for insurance gain entitlement to health insurance services.
Monthly health contributions constitute the basis of entitlement to health insurance benefits, in accordance with the voluntary insurance agreement.